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Maintenance method of zipper

      1. If the iron edges on both sides of the zipper fall off. Repair method: One end of the staple can be folded inward to make it parallel to the iron bar, and the other end can be straightened. Cut the excess staples from the straight end according to the falling length of the zipper iron edge. After cutting, the staples shall be placed at the original iron edge, and the folded end shall be placed below, flush with the bottom edge of the designed zipper, and the other end shall be folded to the same point. Then, sew two pieces of windbreaker needles with locking needles back and forth, and wrap the staples inside, with the width equal to the original iron edge; Use thread to sew the zipper at the bottom of the staples tightly and evenly, and then dip wax. The maintenance effect is the same as that of the original iron blade, which can be opened at will.

      2. If the zipper loses its teeth. Maintenance method: Use a sharp mouth or camera to pry open the zipper teeth at the original tail, remove several teeth, and then install them at the missing teeth position. Then gently press the teeth on the edge of the cloth with a sharp mouth to let him bite firmly.

      3. Sometimes the zipper can't be opened, or it can't be opened half way. This is because the teeth of the zipper are crooked, or the fabric of the cloth belt is loose. If the zipper teeth are crooked, you can straighten them with a steel needle first, and then polish them. Then gently polish the zipper teeth with a wooden mallet, and the zipper will work. If the cloth belt is loose, pull the mismatched cloth belt with force to make the teeth of the zipper evenly arranged, and then pull it again.

      4. There are two reasons why the zipper is not smooth: first, the teeth of the zipper are rusty or stained with dirt; Second, there is something similar to a cloth edge on the logic head. The former can slide freely by rubbing the two sides of the zipper with paraffin; Then slowly restore the key head to its original position and remove the foreign matter. Because Jiangda or its long-term use has changed the distance between the upper and lower parts of the zipper head, the zipper cannot be closed normally. Just clamp it up and down or left and right with pliers, but be careful not to use too much force to avoid damage.

      5. The zipper lock is broken and can only be replaced.

      6. If it is not broken, follow the steps below: first remove the big teeth on the zipper with pliers, and remove both sides; Then pull the zipper lock onto it; Then the two teeth are fused together; Put the zipper lock in; After the zipper lock is put in, everything is normal after the big teeth are installed.

      7. Slippery tips for zippers: zippers are wet, rusty, and oxidized, so they are not smooth and difficult to pull. Use candles to wipe back two rows of teeth and bake them on the fire, so they will be very slippery when pulled.

      8. The zipper will burst when it is closed: the problem is that the zipper is pulled for too long and the aperture becomes larger. If you want to solve the problem temporarily, clamp the tail of the puller with pliers. Pay attention to the tail, but be careful not to exert too much force or bias. If you want to completely solve it, you need to replace the puller.

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