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Solution to plastic zipper burst and lock loss

      We usually use plastic zippers on our clothes. The products look simple and compact. The zippers are technology intensive. All designers will design according to their own design requirements. The combination of plastic zippers will be better.

      The plastic zipper can not be pulled. After decoration, the plastic zipper may have poor mobility. The main reason is that the specifications of the product are relatively large when it is designed, which directly causes the non-compliance with the specifications of the zipper head. The nylon zipper can not be pulled because the cloth belt of the zipper has a tooth head. In this case, you can look at the back of the zipper. The cloth seam of the zipper is very tight, and the lower rib of the pull head is restricted, so this problem occurs.

      The plastic zipper bursts. There are many reasons for the plastic zipper to burst in the process of use, such as the specifications of its zipper head have not changed, but the specifications of its zipper become smaller, which will lead to the product to burst, and the metal zipper will also burst in the process of use, mainly because of the zipper head. Therefore, when measuring products, the product specifications will vary greatly.

      The plastic zipper loses its lock. It is very common for the plastic zipper to lose its lock during use. After such problems occur, first confirm whether the spring plate is normal. If the spring plate is not elastic, it will directly cause the needle lock to lose its force. It is also necessary to consider whether the paint on the surface is uniform, and it must not be too thick.

      If the paint layer is too thick, it is easy to cause the needle lock of the plastic zipper to become larger. In this way, when entering the stopper of the chain tooth, the lock is often lost. During the matching process, products of different specifications cannot be mixed. People attach great importance to the smoothness of light when using it. Some people think that the looser the better, but they ignore the side effects, because too loose will lead to burst.

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