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Solution of waterproof zipper not washing proof

      At present, many winter clothes have reduced the problem of sewing thread. Instead, they choose the bonding waterproof processing technology, especially the solution of zipper bonding, that is, surgical suture without needle and thread. The key raw material for the application of PVC film waterproof zipper is PVC, and the key component is polyethylene. TPU film is made of TPU powder according to unique processing technology.

      Waterproof zipper is a branch of polyester zipper, which has experienced some unique solutions. Common features and solutions include: pasting PVC film, pasting TPU film, soaking with waterproof agent, and coating waterproof zipper. The key raw material for the application of waterproof zipper with PVC film is PVC, and the key component is polyethylene. TPU film is made of TPU powder according to unique processing technology. It inherits the excellent physical performance of TPU and has a wide range of applications. TPU zippers are also superior to PVC zippers in terms of characteristics, because TPU removes many disadvantages of PVC. The coated waterproof zipper is characterized by non falling off, non whitening, non coking, low temperature resistance of minus 70 ℃, loop mirror protection, softness and good waterproof performance.

      The coated waterproof zipper is characterized by no peeling, no whitening, no coking, and good waterproof performance. However, sometimes the zipper is not clean well or the energy involved in clothing is too large, depending on the zipper opening! Because the clothes were not cleaned, the zipper was glued and opened.

      When deducting and cleaning such clothes, the following five points should be paid attention to when washing clothes to prevent the complete accident of waterproof zipper opening after washing!

      1. When collecting clothes, check whether the zipper is open;

      2. When preparing, it is strictly forbidden to brush the parts here;

      3. During cleaning, it is forbidden to melt the adhesive due to high temperature;

      4. Detergent is strictly prohibited to be strongly alkaline, which is easy to cause glue opening;

      5. When drying, it is prohibited to air dry at high temperature to prevent blistering.

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